When Did It Happen

Do you ever scroll through Facebook only to stumble upon an old high school friend and think, damn when did they get that old? Yah, I seem to be doing that more and more.

When is the last time you looked at your hands and thought, oh shit who's are those?

How about this week at work when I was talking to the college intern only to realize that I have gotten to the age that they could biologically be my child I realize how not cool I am.

Oh and when you see your friends posting pics from a night out on the town only to realize that night started at 6 and ended by 10 and your first thought was, oh man I would be so tired in the morning.


When did day drinking become more alluring than all nighters?

How about when the sight of the newest teenage heartthrob makes you say, they didn't look like that when I was in school.

Or when you want to give the teenage girl walking down the street an over-sized shirt and tell her that somethings should remain a mystery.

I can't be the only one feeling this way, but the truth is I am OK with it. In fact I love that my Friday nights are usually spent doing cool things like putting the girls to bed and then roaming the Target aisles with friends. I take great joy in having a few drinks on the beach and then napping with the girls only to spend that Saturday evening playing board games and watching Disney movies for the hundredth time. Oh and lets talk about weekdays when there is nothing more exciting than waking up at 5am so that I can get a workout in before work and then running wide open until about 8 when I fall into bed just in time for Bravo's latest trash to whoosh me to sleep.

Getting older isn't all that bad. I'm not sure when I got old enough to find comfort in being boring.


  1. "Or when you want to give the teenage girl walking down the street an over-sized shirt and tell her that somethings should remain a mystery."

    ^ This statement is SOOO me too :) Love you cuz!


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