Back to School - SHIT!

We are in those few weeks where our Facebook feeds are filled with smiling little kid faces, new backpacks and the excitement over getting a routine back. SURPRISE...not all of us are excited about the kids going back to school.

1. Not all of us need to rebound from crazy schedules over the summer. Some of us worked all summer long and may have managed to get one week off to spend with the kids. Our schedule still consisted of getting up with an alarm clock 5 days a week and rushing to make dinner at night.

2. Some of us are terrified over the thought of adding extra curricular activities and homework back into the evening mix. Remind me how we get all of this done again and got to bed at a decent time, seriously, someone please.

3. We don't all have the ability to fill our days being school volunteers and when you open up your child's folder and the first paper is the Volunteer Form you immediately ball it up and throw it in the trash because I'll be damned if I am going to spend my vacation days chasing after kids that aren't my own.

4. I know, the working moms know that summer isn't just about going to the pool and getting a suntan. We also understand that kids are exhausting, but dear parents at orientation - DO NOT tell me how lucky I am that I got to work all summer and don't have to worry about the kids all day when were at work. It is an offensive statement because it makes us feel like our jobs are more important than our kids and two watching you say it with a suntan just pisses us off.

5. We, the working moms,  feel bad for our kids. They also didn't get much of a break. They got up to go to camp each day just like it was their job and at night they were also exhausted.

So dear readers, parents and friends - on the first day of school when you are standing around talking about being able to get back to the gym, keep the house clean and actually have time to think, please remember us - the working moms. Please remember that in the moment that we are standing there with you or taking pictures of our precious little ones on their first day of school we are already late for work and trying to figure out how we are going to cram a full days worth of work into our less than full working hours day. We are also trying not to be overwhelmed by the expectations of how we are going to manage it all without falling apart or depriving our children. Please be patient and kind to not just the working moms, but also to the children of those working parents.

These are the days that I know it takes a village. I am thankful for my parents who can step in and go to the kids school activities while I'm at work so that they aren't the only one without a parent present. For anyone thinking this is an exaggeration you are so wrong. We have somehow picked the one school where there literally is a parent or two at every single during school hours activity.

I'm thankful for my neighbor who drops everything she is doing to bring over a jar of spaghetti sauce because I can't find the time or energy to run to the store and my kids really shouldn't eat cereal for dinner again.

I'm thankful for my working mom friends who commiserate with me on this subject and I'm thankful for my stay at home mom friends who always bail me out when I can't figure out how to get the kids to their activities and they step in to take them.

So as a whole I'm stressed that school has started a whole two days ago and I'm already forgetting to sign crap and send things in, but I'm also relieved that I have the perfect people in my life to hand me a glass of wine and say "who gives a shit."


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