I'm Hot

One month down. One month without all of my lady parts. One month of not knowing what the hell is going on with my own body. One month of YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME.

So many people have and continue to ask how things are going post hysterectomy, so here is your run down.

First two weeks post op, I definitely had pain, but nothing like people had described in person and online. Of course the Percocet helped with that, though only for the first few days.

Two week followup appointment and everything was going great.

Two weeks and 1 day post op and the hell began. I don't know what happened, but all of a sudden I was in pain like you wouldn't believe. I went back to not being able to stand up straight, anything involving the bathroom led to screaming pain, I wasn't sleeping, hot flashes OH MY. I called the doctor the next day and I was advised to go to the ER for a scan, but anyone who knows me knows that I'm stubborn and didn't go.

Two weeks and 3 days later and I was back at the doc. He happened to walk in while I was in the middle of a hot flash and lets just say it was a quick exam and visit. Part of the issue is that I was in full swing menopause which isn't good. Presurgery we did not discuss hormone replacement because I wasn't supposed to need it, but considering the developments during surgery it was now a necessity. My doc had purposely kept me off of the medication due to lingering endometriosis on my bowl and intestines. Not taking the hormones would give extra time for the endometriosis to dry up so to speak.

No more waiting, hormones it is. So now two weeks later things are getting better, but I'm not ME yet. The air conditioning is set on 70 and I still break out in a sweat multiple times a day. Sleep, what's that? I might sleep a few hours a night and somehow I'm not tired during the day, however when I hit a wall it happens quick and I will crash for hours. It happens about once a week where my body just can't take it anymore. I can feel my eyes practically rolling to the back of my head, I get lightheaded and next thing you know, I am out.

Physically, I am back to the gym multiple times a week and it feels good. I hate that I had to start back using their weeny weights and I want to scream, DON'T judge me I just had surgery. Unfortunately, despite no real appetite, eating well and a good amount of time at the gym the scale isn't moving. I do occasionally have pain in the belly and odd sensations as the nerves are coming back to life. I am also having bowel issues and have started seeing a GI.

Emotionally, all over the place. One moment I feel my confidence and strength coming back and the next I get lonely at home which leads to feeling depressed. One thing that has really been bothering me during all of my doctor visits are the waiting rooms.

Considering I've only been going to the Gynecologist once a year for years I guess I haven't been paying attention to those sitting around me OR maybe because I'm still in shock over what I've been going through I am a little more sensitive to all of the young pregnant moms to be.

Seriously, I just don't understand what is happening as I look around at these teenagers with their moms who are the same age as me. I'd like to think I haven't had my head completely in the sand on this, I mean heck, I watch Teen Mom on MTV. Insert bad joke, but I really do enjoy my guilty pleasure. At my last visit there was this beautiful teen with her brand new baby in her arms and the only thing I could focus on was that she was wearing the same cat ear headband that I bought Penelope the week before.

Here I am longing for an opportunity to have another baby, despite knowing I don't really want one, but then I am sitting next to my peer in age who is about to be a grandparent. This is the reason I couldn't watch Honey Boo Boo, Mama June and I are the same age.

Everyone has their own opinion on this matter, but this is my blog so here is mine. These poor young girls have no idea of the difficult road ahead of them. They've just made their goals more difficult to achieve, not that they will be unattainable, but they've added a challenge in a way I don't understand.

I'm still here, I'm still recovering, I'm headed back to work soon. Thanks to everyone who has texted, called, sent goodies, flowers, entertained me and reminded me to blog about it. As for right now, it's after midnight, I'm wide awake sitting on the sofa in as little clothing as possible in hopes of avoiding a hot flash and desperately wishing that all of you will start posting more FB updates of your own to entertain me.


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