TV Freak Out

Let me start by saying how shocked, amazed and supported I have felt since my last post about getting a hysterectomy. I received so many private messages that it was overwhelming. What amazed me is how many of you reading this right now have gone through exactly what I am going through. Maybe amazed isn't the right word, I should probably use the word shocked.

Have you seen the show Handmaids Tale? If you haven't, you must binge on Hulu. The premise is that women are kept as reproductive servants because of a declining population. The ruling class of men believe that women have focused too much on being independent, career focuses and sexually active that they now longer can bare children. I know it sounds bizarre, but trust me, you must watch this.

Why am I bringing this up? This freaking show and the amount of young women receiving hysterectomies and having reproductive issues has given me the tv freak out. It's just like when you watch a scary movie and you just know that a masked man with a machete is going to pop out of nowhere. OR when you have an addiction to The Walking Dead like we do and you spend your conversations deciding where the safest places to hide out are. Grant and I are heading towards the water, just as an FYI.

That was a really long version of Thank You. Thank You to everyone who opened up about this and are willing to be a source of comfort through what will hopefully be an uneventful event.


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