I Was Distracted

Everyone has advice, anyone can create a blog or website (yes, I know the irony in that statement) and oh my goodness if I read one more inspirational quote on Pinterest I just might barf. We are always looking for a sign, an inspiration, a moment of clarity or sometimes just a little entertainment. I got a little dose of that this weekend right at home.

I was standing in the kitchen unloading the dishwasher for what felt like the tenth time this week when my little P popped around the corner and asked if she could ask me some questions. The truth is I wish I could say that I dropped everything and rushed to her side, but I was looking at the filthy floors, dishes that needed to be put into the dishwasher, listening the her sister yell about something on the other end of the house and Grant rambling on about something. So my first instinct was to ask her if we could do it later and would she please take the cereal box to the recycling bin in the garage, but this time I said screw it the dishes have already been sitting there for a day, what's another hour.

So we sat at the table, she had a little notepad and the questioning/conversation began. What were your Halloween costumes when you were a kid? Why did Auntie K wear the same dinosaur Halloween costume every day for a year? Can I see your wedding dress? Can I touch it? Why won't you take it out of the box? Are you excited for our vacation? Did you play soccer when you were a little girl? Why haven't the Lucky Charms been on sale lately, don't they know it's my favorite and you won't buy unless they are BOGO?

I mean the conversation was priceless, my kid is funny! She is also perceptive and smart and endearing and did I mention funny?! When I was finally allowed out of my chair, I had the biggest smile on my face.

I've been distracted, I let the dishes, my phone and everything else get in the way of these ridiculous conversations. These are the conversations I really want to be having. We sit at the table as a family for dinner most nights out of the week in hopes of the these conversations, but we mostly end up threatening little children if they don't eat and then yelling for them to go faster so that they can finish their homework and take a shower.

I encourage everyone to not be distracted for a few moments of the day. Sadly, I know it's not realistic to leave cell phones in the car when you get home from work or to wave a magic wand and the house is clean, but find a moment to ask or answer one ridiculous question a night. I promise it will get some kind of reaction from you. Last night P told us she wanted a tattoo. We told her it was her choice after she graduated from college and she said that was fair, just hope she remembers that.


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