The Difference Between Love and Like

Do you remember the Friends episode where Ross tells Rachel his fantasy is Princess Leia and he discovers that women tell their friends everything? Well let me tell you about my conversation with my friend tonight and you'll see that I am one of those women who really does tell everything.

I love my friends, I love that when I am mad about work, family, my waistline, MY HUSBAND, or anything else I can call them to vent. They let me spew it all out, ask me any important questions and then laugh ridiculously at me until I can eventually laugh myself.

So this happened tonight. I was steaming mad at Grant last night and I'm sure he'll be really glad to read about it on here, but that's his fault for encouraging my public mental health check. Anyway, I'm on the phone during my post work tangent and my friend, who will not be named because she is just as bad as I am, asks me if this is a short or long term problem. The only answer is to laugh and say, I still love him, I just really don't like him right now. She completely got it, but it occurred to me that some people might not.

This isn't a new concept in my relationship, G and I say it often. I love you, but right now I really don't like you. That's usually our que to get out of each other's faces. It's ok! It's ok to get angry, yell and vent to friends. It's ok to admit that your relationship isn't perfect every second of the day. I have been with this man for almost half of my life - literally, in August it will be half of my life. If we didn't get mad at each other our relationship would be a complete lie and it is far from that.

And for those of you wondering what the fight was about - drum roll please - cleaning the house. I know, we live an exciting life.

By the time that I finished my laugh, got home and saw him - I ALMOST forgot I was mad. It probably helped that the house was cleaned up and the grass was mowed, but I'm sure that was just really good timing.

Here is what matters in the relationship - we don't stop trying or loving. We aren't perfect, never pretended to be, but we try. We fight, we make-up, we laugh, I cry, he gets frustrated and we feel every other feeling in-between and I'm glad that we do.

So for tonight I love and tomorrow we are going for like and love.


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