On this day we made it a PINK OUT. Not because it's October and everyone is celebrating. On this day all of HR was encouraged to wear pink for one reason, to support a coworker. I have a woman on my team who is single, supports her grown child, is a woman of God and now a cancer fighter. She lives a simple life of church and work and never asks for a thing. Today was a day to support a woman who is open about her condition, but all she asks for is a friendly ear when she needs it.

Let me tell you how proud I am of my work team and all of the other teams who made today a special day. There were cake pops, fruit, cupcakes, brownies, pink lemonade, cards, streamers, balloons, and pictures of so many people wearing pink roaming the hallways.

This wasn't a corporate sponsored event, this was purely a bunch of strangers brought together by work and a desire to support someone when they need it the most.

I share this because my co-worker hasn't complained about her situation. She has stayed positive when most people would look for pity. She has carried herself in a way that I hope I would if I were in this position. Now, we wait. We wait for our team member to go through surgery, recovery and hopefully remission. We selfishly hope that the closest we get to this disease is through this co-worker and nothing closer. We hope that we are never faced with a diagnosis that changes the fate of not only our own lives, but those around us.

We have heard it a million times and have agreed to make everyday memorable and meaningful, but then life gets in the way. Eventually we go back to the monotony of our lives and forget the importance of each day until the next time it touches us in a tragic way.

Today we celebrate life and support. The support we get from our friends, family and complete strangers because it all counts.


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