Chronicles of a Working Mom

As I start this, please know that I like being a working mom. I like the mental challenge, I like the work connections, I like the independence I feel, and quite frankly I like getting out of the house. So here we go...I am sitting here on Sunday evening struggling to keep my eyes open after a very busy weekend. I'm going through my mental checklist of what lunches are packed (including my own), what I'm going to wear tomorrow, what time am I going to get up, will I actually make it to the gym in the morning and on this particular night all of these thoughts suck. Yep, I'm the one sad person who will be on the highway at 7am heading to work while everyone is at home playing in the sunshine.

I always have this debate on whether to take the days off surrounding the holidays.
Positives of going to work - no traffic, quiet day allows me to get my laundry list of tasks accomplished, I fill in for others on my team so they can take off (taking my good manager bow), I have another day off banked for later use.
Negatives - my FB feed is filled with everyone having a great time as I sit under the fluorescent glow at work, I text home every few hours because I hate missing out on the phone and in this case there isn't any sand between my toes.

With all of that being said - I'm going to work. So here is my question for my working parent many days does it take being home before you start counting down until you can go back to work?

For me, sometimes it's on Saturday. Yes, I can admit it. I wake up on Saturday morning to breakfast dishes on the table, the tv is already too loud and the girls are arguing over what to watch. They have already pulled every toy out of their room and have spread it across the house. I have legos between my toes and inevitably before I've even opened my eyes all of the way they are asking what's for breakfast round 2 and it's not even 8am. Now, on my typical workday I have already gone to the gym, been at work for an hour and I'm making my "good morning" rounds throughout the rest of HR.

Then there are weekends like these where I've run around like a chicken with my head cut off and I feel like I've spent no real snuggle time with the fam and all that I want to do is take a day of rest by the pool or on the beach.

I guess all that it boils down to is the age old debate of stay-at-home mom or working mom...the saga never ends.


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