Yep, crazy

I found that there are points in my life when I am absolutely sure that I'm crazy. Yes, I've jumped off of bridges, drank so much I can't remember, and all of the other stereotypical "crazy" things. This is a much tamer version of my crazy, it's called tired.

What some people may not know is that last year Grant made the decision to be a stay-at-home dad. Yep, he resigned from the company that he worked for for 14 years so that he could walk the little monsters to school and have dinner on the table when I got home. 

Here is where I know I'm crazy...

G went back to work as soon as school ended and now we are back to the rat race of how are we going to fit everything into the day. There are basketball games/practices, dance rehearsals, time at the gym, food to cook, kids to bathe, house to clean and oh yah, the thing that pays for it all - work. 

Some people would find this all very daunting, but the truth is I was lost without all of the hustle of life. When G was in charge of the girls homework, picking dinner, the main contact for everything - I started to feel left out. That had been my place for so many years that it was difficult for me to make the transition. Yes, my life was significantly easier, but I've never been a fan of "easy." I am the procrastinator that gets more accomplished the day of than the weeks following up to it. I secretly love the stress and anxiety of planning a party.

Now that G has returned to the land of the working zombies I love being back to a routine that we know so well. The "oh crap who has the girls" text when we are both running behind. Don't worry they are always picked up by 5:30 so we've never "accidentally" left them at camp/daycare.

What I like, what I missed and why I know I'm crazy is that I am now back to absolutely exhausted at night. The girls go to bed by 8:00, I pack lunches, take a shower and flop into bed just in time for Bravo at 9:00. I like going to bed tired and feeling like I accomplished as much as I could into the day. I like feeling useful at home and at work. Quite frankly I like having a reason to complain that I'm tired, at least that's what G says. 


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