social experiment

One of my favorite little moments in life are to eavesdrop on the girls. I don't do it because I think they are saying something wrong, it's actually the opposite. I love hearing their little voices talk about their days and hearing their imaginations come to life. I sneak down the hall when I know they are playing together and I hide outside of their door so they can't see me, I don't want to disrupt their play.

Recently I have found them speaking their only little language. I've heard of twins doing this, but these girls are three years apart.

Are you ever curious about what kids talk about at camp or at school? Adelaide doesn't say much about specific conversations she has at school, I think it is hard for her to concentrate on the conversations. However, Penelope will come home and repeat entire conversations. Sometimes I can't help but laugh especially the time she came home and told us about her Kindergarten lunch buddy who was talking about wieners. Yep, that was me just about spitting my food across the table in laughter.

So, Grant has started his own social experiment when it comes to the girls. They are in camp this summer and everyday he drops them off and gives them a task to complete and update us on at dinner. This afternoon when I picked the girls up they got in the backseat and immediately started talking about their new friends. Grant had asked them to come home with a new friends name and if they had any family. P met a little friend who was getting a new baby brother in June and A met a little boy who had two siblings.

These girls were so excited to tell each other about their discoveries. Of course the conversation didn't stop there, we also had to hear about the new friend who mixed everything up from their lunchbox and ate it which grossed P out.

I'm proud of the girls for taking the initiative to meet new friends, I admire that at their age it is just a matter of walking up to someone their own height and asking if they want to play or telling them that they have a cool shirt. When did this become such a daunting task as adults. I have fabulous friends, but it took a long time to find people that I truly wanted to spend time with and who got my craziness.  If only we could all be as open and brave as the little 5 and 8 year olds who live in my house.


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