Sass much?

Has anyone seen my sweet little P? You know the one who loves to cuddle and ask sweet little questions? She has gone missing and in return this sassy, long haired, 4 foot tall teenager has started sleeping in her bed.

Someone please tell me that my youngest child is not the only one who can out sass the parent in the house. I mean SERIOUSLY, P is going to drive us insane and she is 5. How the heck am I going to survive her over the next few years let alone the dreaded teenage years?

It was funny when it started, I would laugh out loud and big surprise - now it is all that she does. She can entertain herself and a room forever. Not only does she have sass, but she is also getting this valley girl tone to her which I CAN NOT STAND!! I don't even understand where it came from.

Ok, so she drives me crazy, but here is my concern - how do I get my cute little 5 year old back? With A we never had to worry about her being sweet or kind to others, she doesn't know how to be any other way. We talk to the girls all of the time about being kind, protecting and standing up for people (especially each other) and yet I fear what happens next and where did this child come from?

P is an absolute leader and she can convince most people, young and old, to do what she wants. I'm pretty sure this child is already smarter than I am and her manipulation skills are off of the chart!

Our P is bright and has an uncanny ability to read a situation and insert the perfect commentary. We are talking about the child who recently looked at me and said, "what the frog are you talking about?" and she was right on point with the comment. Of course I laughed along with everyone else and now I have all of my family, friends and co-workers saying it too.

Back to my concern - I don't want to break her spirit, but I also don't want her to come off as rude or get to the point where she knows she can get away with murder. Also, how am I going to get through the teenage years? Should I be packing my bag and moving to another country in escape already? I thought I had another 10 years before I wanted to run away from her. Ok, so that's a little dramatic, but seriously, THE SASS in my house is endless. Someone tell me I'm not the only one and tell me we will survive this together.


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