Just the Start

How many times in your life have you heard or said, "I should write a book." Let's be clear that I have no desire to write a book, I am far too lazy and grammatically incorrect for that. What I can do is vent, cry and laugh in a free public forum such as blogger. So, if you are reading this blog please remember that this is my life, no one else's and my opinions and experiences most likely won't be politically correct. Also keep in mind that I don't have the time or patience to edit my posts so after I work all day, play with my girls when I get home and spend time with my husband you get what you get.

Why am I writing this? Quite frankly I'm frustrated. I'm frustrated that the day you announce your pregnancy everyone has advise on getting through the pregnancy. Where to buy the best maternity clothes (gap.com), which pediatrician to use, and oh the opinions on names, so many damn opinions. What people don't tell you is about the actually delivery with all of the blood, guts and puke that goes with it. They don't tell you about the fear and anxiety you will feel the moment you get home and have to get that baby out of the car seat alone for the first time and you feel like you are going to break their little body.

Most importantly when you have that little heavenly baby in your arms, no one tells you that there is a chance that your baby might not be "normal." Which is why I am here because I don't understand what "normal" is supposed to be these days. Who is normal? What is normal? Am I normal? Are my children normal?

We don't live in the 50s anymore where only the military and biker gang guys got tattoos or when the woman was supposed to stay home with her children and make them the only thing in their world. So why do people try to hide when their child may not be "normal." I'm not talking about perfection, I'm talking the status quo normal.

So buckle up readers, if there are any out there, because you have found my venting place. This isn't a blog of self loathing or a request for pity, it is a place for me to help curb my frustration and anxiety of what they are calling life.


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