Hey Kid, I'm Trying

I have the best intentions of going to the gym all day today. I worked out yesterday and I'm doing it tonight too. I don't know what I'm going to do, but I have to get my body moving. I am so tired of carrying around all of this extra weight and I'm incredibly pissed at myself for discarding all of the work that I put into my body two years ago when I was feeling great.

I am going home on time, playing with the girls and then I'm out the door to the gym - that's my plan and I'm sticking to it. Oh wait, last minute late meeting which means traffic on top of a late start. That's ok, I'll go to the 6:30 class instead. Oh wait, now it's storming, none of my gym buddies can go and the kids don't want me to go either.

Must get the weight off, I am so tired of not fitting in my clothes and honestly my body just feels miserable, I have to get my body moving - I have to keep that in the front of my mind. Ok, I have a Beachbody DVD that my awesome friend let me borrow months ago and it's been collecting dust since then. I swear I am getting this workout in tonight.

Grant takes the kids to the bedroom to watch some kind of dork movie and here I go, I pushed play. That's what they say right, just push play. Oh I pushed in and in came P with her first innocent comment that almost got her grounded for life, "wow, Mom. I aren't seen this on in a really long time." Yep, the child is lucky to be alive. In that moment when I am grunting, groaning and cussing myself all that I wanted to do was scream "get out before I take you out!"

I didn't do it and I'm glad I didn't, because her next comments and actions were the most supportive moments.
"I'll do it with you mommy, we can do this together"
"Do you work this hard when you go to the gym Mommy?"
"Good job Mommy"
P went on and on and she has no idea what she did for me, she pushed me to keep going. Two years ago I would have blown through that 30 minute workout without a problem, but I'm starting over and her little eyes watching me made me want to show her that even though it's hard you can't quit.

So I'm trying, I'm trying to be a better mom and I'm trying to be a better me. This isn't for the weak people!


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