
We should all be spending time teaching our children to be thankful, but that isn't what this post is about. This is about the gratitude I have for each of my new readers. Some of you followed my previous family blog until I abandoned it and some of you are new to my rants.

The amount of people who have not only visited my new site, but who have called, texted, messaged, tweeted, sent smoke signals, etc. has astounded me. The best part for me has been those that have in return opened up about their own personal situations. I thank and applaud you for having the courage to say what is weighing on your heart and for trusting me to ask for my own advise.

I used to dread writing my blog because it started to feel like an obligation, but now I get excited to spew my words onto the screen. I don't do this for additional income or notoriety, I don't have plans to turn into a writer. I do this as an outlet for my own anxiety, worry and at times disgust and heartbreak. I'm no longer scared to put into the world that hey, my life isn't perfect. I am no longer ashamed to ask for help or advise from those that aren't in my direct circle. Maybe it's because 40 seems to be getting closer and closer.

Are you there yet? Have you reached the point in your life where you want to the world to hear what you have to say outside of Facebook or Instagram? If you would let to try it out, DO IT! It's cheaper than therapy and you don't have to write any more or less than you want to do. Blogger is free and I know that I'll read! Oh and one of you brave souls has already asked and yes, I am happy to have guest bloggers and to link all of your pages to mine, just ask and send me a link.

Thank you my dear supporters for all of the thumbs up and comments, you really do put a smile on my face and encourage me to keep writing.


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