Decision Made

Do you ever have those days where you feel both brokenhearted and completely relieved all at the same time? That was this week for me. Grant and I have struggled with what to do with A's education for years and the time has finally come to make a decision.

A has tried and tried to keep up educationally since Kindergarten and has been able to squeak by to the next grade. She probably could have done it again this year, but we finally said enough. We don't want her to be in a situation where she is always stressed and selfishly, I can't continue to watch her struggle. So we did it, we made the final decision to retain her in third grade.

The decision did not come lightly. There were tears, many meetings, phone calls and now anxiety over how she is going to deal with it. We know that this is for her educational benefit, but I'm incredibly worried about the social side of it. How is she going to handle the first day of school when the classmates she has been with for the last four years are all going to fourth grade? Is this decision going to scar her for life?

How about selfish mommy syndrome? I'm already the working mom in a neighborhood where everyone else stays home and is at drop off and pickup every day. Are they going to start looking around making comments about my parenting? Will they question my unwillingness to give up my career for my child's education? These are the true thoughts that run through my head, but at the end of the day I don't care anymore, the decision is made.

Have I made the right decision with my neighborhood and school choice that the parents and students will support my child and the teachers who are doing everything that they can to make each child successful?

You can find studies and articles that are for and against the decision. You can find blogs that brag about and regret their decision to hold their child back. Personally, I'm tired of reading, wondering and worrying. The decision has been made and we are going with it.

So here is my ask of the day: support my child, support me, support my family. Encourage your child to lift their peers up instead of putting them down. Explain to your child that everyone is different and that is a good thing. Most importantly - support one another to our fullest.

See you in third grade - AGAIN, because it is what is best for MY child and thanks in advance for your support.


  1. I hear you Selena. Our oldest was held back in 1st grade and even then, there was some adjusting for him. He is now I'm 8th grade and it doesn't even matter. No one asks about it. At the time it was very difficult and uncertain but it was the right thing to do. It sounds like you have done all the work to arrive at your decision. Here's where faith steps in. Wishing you and A the best. :)


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