When your kid is an ass
Yes, I went there - my kids can be a real asshats sometimes. So lets talk about my 6 year old who has mastered the ability to push my buttons. So is sarcastic, knows how to bate people and finds joy in it. Shit - she is me and I totally deserve it. This weekend we were sitting on my parents patio and when this 6 year old wasn't getting exactly what she wanted she used her power. She decided to tell me that I didn't like her, care about her or love her. Oh boy did that push my buttons and she literally sat there and waited for my expression. I didn't let her ruffle my feathers too much, but that's only because she was saved by YaYa. All of this comes on the heels of another great P moment. Earlier in the week I had asked the girls on multiple occasions to clean up their dirty clothes. On the third night I had enough so I made P get out of her bed and do what I had asked. She did it, but made sure to add in that I made her do everything. Stop - wait a minute - now y...